What is …?

…. is an online company founded upon the notion that we can all do more with our time. Why spend hours of your valuable time browsing aimlessly when you could be having fun!

Essentially, we aim to do your online shopping for you and free up your time. In the process, we can navigate unfamiliar parts of the web such as Chinese sellers but also big-brand retailers such as David Jones, making sure that, in the end, you get your best product under your description.

Ok, so now you’re thinking, “Is this for me?”

Well, it certainly can be! Easy Buy is for anyone and everyone looking to free themselves from the constrictions of online shopping. With that said, however, it doesn’t have to be. If you enjoy scrolling through hundreds of products, do it!

We’re just here for those who want a bit of extra time, with a well-researched product at the end. We’ll do the deal-finding, quality-finding or other finding for you!

If you’re interested, Sign Up! First, take a look at our Requests page to see how it all works.